Making a Difference

Check out our quick promotional video about why Read-Aloud is important, our successes and snippets of Read-Aloud in action (online reading) over the pandemic.

Read-Aloud Volunteer

“Literacy is a key skill that has been identified by research to impact a child’s school readiness and later academic success.”

— Matthew Melmed, Zero to Three

We are all born driven to learn.

Sometimes the joy and love of learning are hampered by negative experiences, learning disabilities or other barriers. At 3rd grade, students stop “learning to read” and move to “reading to learn.”

Children may feel insecure if they cannot keep up with their peers.

They need adults who listen to their ideas, encourage them and show they care. This relationship supports the child’s development at their own pace without peer pressure and gives them time to be curious, to experiment and explore. Unlike pull-out reading programs that can stigmatize a child and leave them feeling ashamed, children see the Read-Aloud program as something special.