Teachers May Strike

United Teachers of Richmond and the WCCUSD are meeting again on Wednesday to discuss teacher demands for working safely during the most recent COVID surge. If no agreement is reached, a vote to strike will be held on Friday; a survey from last week had a majority in favor of a strike under those circumstances. Updates will be provided as we learn them.

  • Demands

    • District Response

  • KN95 and N95 masks provided to all students and staff daily.

    • District has committed to supplying 2 masks/week for staff

    • District announced an order for KN95 masks, enough for each student daily, which should arrive in the next few days (partially delivered)

  • “Opt-out” instead of “opt-in” Covid testing, so more students and staff will get tested.

    • WCCUSD is one of the few districts in the state to provide weekly testing for students and staff at each of its school sites

  • A plan for staff vacancies that ensures a qualified adult is available to fill in when a teacher is out of the classroom

    • The district is also “exploring raising the pay for substitute teachers”

    • The district put out a call for credentialed and classified community members to apply to substitute, or to help those interested in becoming credentialed or classified so that they could also become eligible to substitute

  • A formal procedure for what happens in the case of a class COVID outbreak

Source: EdSource.org (and wccusd.net for COVID protocols only).


Tentative Agreement Reached


COVID-19 Status