COVID-19 Status (Update)
District Data
The school district maintains a data dashboard that updates the previous number, and any positive reported cases at the schools. The dashboard updates on daily at 5 pm. For the week of 4/18-4/24, the test positivity rate in the district administered tests was 0.50%, and the there were no cases for schools we partner. For the last six weeks (3/14-4/28, there were 4 total cases at our schools, including none last week and one staff member and one student this week!
Community Vaccination and Spread
We don’t know the COVID-19 vaccination or positivity status of the families of our students or our students themselves. However, we can use community data as a proxy for this. Note: the CDC says that Contra Costa County has “High” levels of transmission and is at “Low” Community Level. WCCUSD Student vaccination rate for those 12+ yrs is about 87%; for the county, >90% of 12-19 yr olds have been fully vaccinated. The County says that transmission is 6.2% of the case rate peak on 1/9/2022.
64.2%/59.1% of 5-11 yr olds in Contra Costa County have gotten at least one dose/are fully vaccinated.
Vaccination rates by zip code from the State (updated Apr 27):
Zip Code Schools serving this Zip Code 5+ Partial/Full Vaccination rates
94801 Washington, (Montalvin) 98.8% / 91.9%
94804 Coronado, (Washington) 99.8% / 93.8%
94806 Dover, Downer, Montalvin 90.5% / 85.3%
Vaccination rates by City from the county (updated Apr 28):
City Schools in this City 5+ Partial/Full Vaccination/12+ Boosted rates
Richmond Coronado, Washington 86.8% / 81.8% / 53.0%
San Pablo Dover, Downer, Montalvin >90% / >90% / 57.1%
County data for positive cases in the last 14 days (updated Apr 28)
City Schools in this City Cases per 100k last 14 days (averaged per day)
Richmond Coronado, Washington 138.0 (9.9)
San Pablo Dover, Downer, Montalvin 151.2 (10.8)